Crazy Ideas

  • Shipping Day

    I’ve been reading lots this holiday week and digging into non-fiction literature on the art and practice of being a professional creative. Pressfield, Cameron, Godin. All of them have great ideas about resistance, practice, inspiration, focus, and purpose. All of them have their words of wisdom from which we can glean insight or ignore as pop psychology.

    A crazy idea that manifested in my head as I read or reread these books this past week was the idea of claiming my role as an artist in a more purposeful way, but also a way that doesn’t consume me and my time or detract from the actual practice of doing the work in the first place. Specifically, I’ve been thinking about how I can start backing off social media and using it in a way that is on my own terms rather than that of the algorithm.

    The thought occurred to me that I should try to designate myself a “shipping day” for my personal creative work in 2024. That is, in advance, pick a date, or a series of dates when I “ship” my work out on social media for friends and casual followers. And I’d ship work only on those dates. And every other day is not meant for shipping, posting, or sharing.

    I’d be dark most of the time.

    See, I’d still be participating, but on my own terms. I’d be reducing my participation, but still participating. I’d still be performing for a public, but on a plan and a schedule that would reduce the pressure to be “delightfully spontaneous” for an online audience. Crazy, huh?

  • Crazy Idea Blog

    How many crazy big ideas can I come up with? Who knows. Some days it seems like my head is bubbling over with big crazy plans that I think about, think through, and then think myself out of pursuing. Maybe this is for the best, or maybe this is a lost opportunity. What if I wrote all those crazy ideas into a kind of thread of posts that could be found and read and enjoyed. Maybe you’ll see something worth pursuing yourself. Or maybe you’ll see a crazy idea for what it is, kinda crazy. Anyways, the first big crazy idea is obviously a crazy idea blog. And I guess if you’re reading it might not have been that crazy after all.