Yes. I am open to work full time, part time or by contract. I think my strengths are that I use a systems-thinking approach to identify gaps in existing processes and tactics, and helped build, launch, and operate websites, databases, and communications platforms that connect and interconnect organizations with both themselves and their customers.
If you want to see me in person, I am in Edmonton, Canada, a small city on the big Canadian prairies. I drink coffee and know a lot of great cafes to meet. And while I probably don’t need to tell you this, I am as open as most anyone to remote work around the world (or, of course travel on someone else’s expense account.)
This is a simple website to promote myself and my projects. It is a portfolio for my professional creative self called Squwetchy Co, a pen name I was using and gradually turned into a kind of personal brand. On this website you’ll mostly find means to contact me and explore my work.
Not at the moment. Right now I am writing and producing a multi-platform work of fiction that will comprise a series of connected stories in the form of audio, short-form fiction, and a website. It will be free to explore and download.
Yes. But due to various bots and unscrupulous individuals stealing creative work and passing it off as their own, everything is behind a password until I am able to finalize everything and publish it formally. Contact me for early access.
Squwetchy was my artistic pen name that I was using on social media to post and share my work. I apparently piqued a lot of curiosity with the name so when I started ramping up my public efforts I leaned into concept as a personal creative brand.
I have multiple bloggy outputs. There is some writing here that I try to keep professional and in line with the type of work I do and the professional image I am cultivating. Sometimes I update it frequently. Often, when I am busy with other important work I do not.