little ol’ you

You are self-contained.

No matter how much you may think that you are interconnected with other people, interdependent with someone else or aligned in either a positive or negative way to the existence of another, at the end of the day biology and physics dictate that you cannot be merged, combined, subdivided, or otherwise change the definition of you in any meaningful way.

You are just you.

Forever and always.

And as this is the case, the fact that you were born as a singular unit, will ultimately die when the vessel known as your personal body ceases to function, and are the only one who will experience the whole of your life from start to finish, what any other person—spouse, parent, child, employer, politician, religious leader, or even the friendly barrista at your favourite coffee shop—thinks or says about you is only as important or worthwhile inasmuch as the self-contained object known as you allows it to be.

Of course we can hurt each other.

Of course we can love another.

Of course we can have an affect on or be affected by anyone and everyone around us, but in many more ways we can mediate and moderate all of those things and be open to the good things and regulate the negative from having an undue influence on each of us as individuals.

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