The Underfoot


Adventure, science and supernatural mysteries clash in the mountains above the city of Birchmont in this exciting novel and audio drama. It’s the first in a new supernatural science fiction series by Brad Salomons.

Check out my podcast about editing this novel.

Beta Readers

This is not a finished novel. What you are looking at is a first draft. It is the work of many months of effort that started with a vague idea, manifested into a plot summary, was written chapter by chapter, and has only been fully read, cover to cover, by the author himself once. It is incomplete and raw and needs time, effort and editing to bring it to a stage that would make it comparable to a book you might buy from a shelf in a bookstore.  This is 100% normal.

If you have this copy it is probably because you have entered into a trusted circle. The author is hoping for your feedback. This does not mean you need to edit or review or provide deep commentary (though any of that would be most welcome!) All it means is that you you should read it and think about things like “does the plot make sense” or “are the characters distinctive” or “were there parts of the story that were confusing, boring, or unclear?”  Or, you can just read it and reply with a “hey, I’d like read part two so keep writing.”

Part One or Book One?

When I set out to write this book I figured it would be a big story broken into two, three, maybe even four novels.  The story I planned out for book one is what found its way into this beta copy.  But, as I wrote, the characters made it very clear to me that I’d be doing them and the story a disservice by wrapping things up too tightly in this first book, so I decided to leave some questions unresolved and tack on a part two (which would have been book two). In short, what you have here is book one, but a book one where the whole story is not quite done and there is more to write. So book one has become part one, and I’m already writing part two, or the second half of book one? Clear as mud?

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